5 Places You Should Never Park Your Vehicle

5 Places You Should Never Park Your Vehicle

Okay, so you might think that this is a little bit of a strange topic to talk about. But have you ever been driving on the highway and seen some guy making an illegal U-turn in front of your car? 


Or maybe someone turning around in their car in the middle of traffic? I’m sure that you’ve seen it before, and I’m sure that you’ve even done it before.


By the way, if you didn’t know what an illegal U-turn is, it’s when you turn around in front of another person’s car with your front tires on the curb and your back tires in the middle of traffic. This is not only very dangerous, but you are also obstructing traffic and this is against the law.

The truth is that these are not just isolated incidents – there are some places where you should never park your vehicle. 

Check out this list and make sure to avoid these five places at all costs!


  • An intersection. You might think that turning your car around in the middle of the intersection is just convenient. 


But you have to remember that cars are coming from all directions. Not only could you cause a lot of accidents, but you will probably be subject to a large fine.


  • In front of an emergency vehicle. No matter what kind of emergency vehicle it is, whether it’s an ambulance, police vehicle or fire truck… you should never park your car in front of it. 


When a car is blocking the emergency vehicle’s path, there is probably something very wrong with that car. Not only could the emergency situation be on its way, but it could also be dangerous for the emergency workers if there was an accident.


  • In front of a construction site. 


When you are working in a construction site, you are expected to park your vehicle out of the way and make sure that people don’t park in front of it and block their path. 

When you’re in the middle of a construction site, it’s dangerous to park your car anywhere else. If the workers need to get their cars out of the way, it will be much harder.

  • In front of an emergency exit. 


You might think that this is an odd place to put this but not only do you want to make sure that no one parks in front of the emergency exit, you also don’t want someone accidentally blocking it so they can’t get out. 


It would be safer for both the people inside and outside of the building to have that emergency exit open at all times.


  • On a crosswalk. You should never, ever park your vehicle on a crosswalk. 


Not only could you cause someone to get hit by one of your tires while they were walking, they could also get hit by another car while they were trying to get out of their way. 


Everyone involved in this accident would be liable for any damages that occurred as a result (including medical bills).

Driving can be an arduous task 

Not only are there unpredictable traffic and stressful commutes, but it’s also difficult to find a parking spot when you need one. 


If you don’t want to spend your time circling the block or having to swing by an area a few times (just in case), this list is for you.