

Remove Rust from a Car by Yourself

Rust is one of the most pervasive types of corrosion that can form on metal surfaces. It’s a destructive process that can weaken ferrous metals and cause them to break, which can be detrimental to cars. Rust will also continue to spread if not removed. Luckily there are some tried and true methods of removing […]

How to Repair a Deep Scratch on Car

How to Repair a Deep Scratch on Car

If you’ve ever been afflicted with deep scratches on your car, then you know that no matter how much love and care you give it, nothing seems to make them go away. It’s frustrating and embarrassing to have a car that looks like it’s been through the wringer, but don’t worry! We’re here to help.  […]

Check Your Car Before a Road Trip

Car repairing can be quite the costly endeavor and, let’s face it, you’re probably not having a good day if you find that your car won’t start. It can be a bummer to have to call someone to deal with your vehicle problems on top of everything else. But don’t worry! We’ve put together this […]

How to Repair a Diesel Car

If you’ve just bought a diesel car and want to keep it running for years to come, it’s good to know how to repair the engine. This blog post will summarize the key points when repairing or servicing a diesel engine.   On cars with diesel engines, there are always specific fluids that need replacing […]

Alternative Fuels Prices

If you’re trying to find the best and cheapest way to get from point A to B, then you probably want to know about the fuel rates. The price of fuels keeps fluctuating and fluctuating, so in order not be blindsided by the hefty prices at the pump, it would behoove you to track these […]


Is Diesel the Car Fuel of the Future

Diesel fuel has long been the mainstay of many car engines, but a new fuel is becoming more popular: Natural Gas. It’s cheaper than diesel, cleaner than diesel, and even produces less soot. The best part of all? There are natural gas stations everywhere! Advantages of Natural Gas It is likely that Natural Gas will […]


Diesel Cars in 2022

You may remember that it was not too long ago when diesel cars were all the rage and considered to be environmentally friendly. This is because they emit less carbon dioxide than gasoline-powered cars. But, as the years have gone by, and technology has progressed, the differences between diesel and gasoline cars have become slimmer […]